A Billion Chinese People Can't Be Wrong


That time of year again…..

It’s time for the health kick!

I periodically decide to go on a diet or go to the gym more often and that time is now. And at the same time I plan on quitting smoking too.

My 10-15 cigarettes a day habit has long bothered me but the addiction has always got the better of me, despite a one time 18 month period without a smoke. I now feel I have the right motivation to give up and have fully stocked upon remedies to help me with my quit day being tomorrow. I have Nicorette patches, Nicorette gum, the New Nicorette inhaler and an electric cigarette. I am determined to do it this time. I remember in the documentary Super Size Me Morgan Spurlock stated that after the 3 day hump quitting smoking was a cake walk so I’ll see what the next few days bring.

Now for the weight loss. I don’t consider myself obese, I currently weight 15 and a half stone but as I stand 6ft5 its fairly proportioned. According to my Wii Fit (the most reliable of health instruments) my BMI is 24, and it needs to be 22.

Now I am generally happy with my figure, hell I’m never going to get a part in the next 300 movie, but I’m also not going to be Jabba the Hut either. my main aim is to be able to go on holiday in a couple of months and not have to suck in a gut when I go swimming with my stepdaughter. I’d love to lose my ‘pouch’ and tone up so that is the main aim. I know everyone says muscle weighs more then fat so if I do start using weights I’m not going to worry too much about my actual weight, just as long as feel comfortable with how I look. I realise how vain this sounds!

I intend to at least once a day go for a run, use the wii fit or use some weights.

The reason for me writing this……. maybe if a write it on here and put updates on it I might actually stick it out instead of getting stressed at something and either reaching for a cigarette or a Cadbury’s Wispa. It’s all psychological, as lets face it, I doubt more than 3 people will read this!

Hopefully an update in a week.

Movies and TV could put a strain on my relationship

Having just had the Mrs and her daughter spend a week with me for my birthday one thing was apparent, we have a completely different taste in the things we like to watch. Picking a film to watch at night has never been so difficult. Last night we attempted to watch the Will Ferrell/Marky Mark buddy cop film The Other Guys. Whilst I found it entertaining in a turn your brain off for 90 minutes kind of way I could tell she was extremely bored all the way through it.

The cinema visits can be difficult as well as we don’t seem to be able to decide what to watch. My point of “a woman who has had a child really has no need to watch ‘What To Expect When You’re Expecting'” really didn’t go down too well.

Add into this equation a 5 year old girl and my TV viewing hasn’t been this past week hasn’t been something I’d have watched myself had I had the choice. With a couple of HMV vouchers I received for my 30th we made a quick visit the other day. Along with my new docking station I picked up Blu Ray’s of Entourage Season 6, Boardwalk Empire Season 1, Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol and Special Edition of Avatar. As soon as the other half saw Avatar she said “you can watch that on your own” when I asked if she’d seen it before she told me she saw a bad bootleg copy when it was first released and gave it 20 minutes before turning it off. There were so many things wrong with that statement I just ended the conversation! Then came the point when walking up to the till she told me to put down my Boardwalk Empire box set as it was marked up at £35 and she had found one at £25. When I said I know, I was getting the Blu Ray copy it started the usual “what’s the difference” conversation which bothers me no end.

Now I’m a man of simple pleasures, but the introduction of HD into my life was a good one. I’ve lost count the amount of times the mrs has been watching one of her soaps on BBC or ITV and I’ve insisted on her changing to the HD channel when she has said “I don’t see any difference” which unfortunately is the same conversation I’ve had with my mother and my step-father. We got into the old Blu Ray is better, the picture is clearer etc before I told her that I see a difference and if I am going to buy a DVD it is likely going to be one I will watch a few times, mostly opting to rent my films from LoveFilm, so when I do purchase one I am going to splurge a few extra quid for a Blu Ray.

Anyway my purchases in hand along with a couple of DVD’s for the child we set off home. Of course though when we got home the little one needed entertaining as she always does until bed time so her DVD’s were put on. First was Hop. As much as I had little interest before of watching it, seeing Russell Brand voice a CG bunny was funny to me, but as the film is actors and CG and not completely animated said child became bored after about 45 minutes and put on some ridiculous Barbie DVD, which forced me to go and clean the kitchen.

By the time it was bed time for the little one, the soaps were on so once again I had to give up my TV rights for a majority of the night so I sat reading Kevin Smith’s Tough Sh*t (which I may blog about upon completion) which then lead up to The Other Guys incident.

Today the pair of them went home for the weekend leaving me with the TV to myself which means for the rest of the night I will be watching the football and watching as much of my purchases as I can before I am no doubt subjected to more Disney/Barbie/Tom & Jerry DVD’s before more soaps, so basically more reading and housework for me!

After reading this through I may have to change the title of this blog to “disagreements in my relationship!”

Top 5 Films…….. kind of

Whilst recently watching an episode of the Office, the characters were discussing their top 5 films, I always thought this would be a simple list from me, I always knew my top 3, but to narrow it down to 5 was damn near impossible so I have decide to list my top 10. There are still a few films that a year or 2 ago would have made the top 5 but haven’t made this list so no doubt in 6 months this will change but at this moment here it is.

10. Clerks 2

One of the few sequels that surpasses the original. As with most Kevin Smith films the dialogue is great and extremely funny. Randall will always be one of my favourite characters ever created whether it be in this film, the original and to a lesser extent the cartoon. Kevin Smith raises an excellent point about the Lord of the Rings trilogy as well.

9. The Town

Ben Affleck has firmly established himself as a top director. Gone Baby Gone was very good, with an ending that splits viewers down the middle (myself and my ex completely disagreed, whilst my current girlfriend and I agree, I’m not saying that Gone Baby Gone is the reason me and my ex aren’t together, but it may be a factor) but the Town surpasses it. Phenomenal script and superbly acted by everyone in the film, and the final action sequence directed excellently.

8. Indiana  Jones and the Last Crusade

It was hard to pick between this one and Raiders of the Lost Arc, but Last Crusade slightly edged it it for sheer entertainment value and the addition to Sean Connery. Temple of Doom was always the weak link of the set until Crystal Skull came along, there has been a saying for a while that all the odd numbered Star Trek films are bad, maybe it’s the even number Indiana Jones films that are bad, thus giving me hope for the upcoming Indy 5.

7. Zodiac

Whilst true followers of the Zodiac killer will tell you that Robert Graysmith is not 100% accurate in his book (I have since read it and it does seem he is dead set on the killer being Arthur Leigh Allen he writes as to try and convince this to the reader) it is said the film is a lot less accurate. I however had never seen or read anything about the Zodiac Killer before seeing this film and was totally engrossed when watching this film. Jake Gyllenhall plays a socially awkward Robert Graysmith well and despite the long running time, the film doesn’t drag.

6. Inception

Visually stunning and completely original film from Christopher Nolan. Leonardo DiCaprio puts in a great performance and is supported by a great cast. One of the few films where you will notice something new each time you watch it. The ending may have annoyed a few people but personally I thought it was the best possible way to end this film.

5. The Dark Knight

Even if you’re not a fan of Batman this film is worth watching just for the performance of Heath Ledger as the Joker. Michael Caine and Gary Oldman are perfectly cast. I must have watched this film 30 times and never get bored of it. The Dark Knight Rises cannot arrive soon enough.

4. The Green Mile

Frank Darabont showing that he is the man to be in charge of any Stephen King adaption. This film is probably the one that sticks closest to the book and is extremely moving. The ending brings many tears to viewers. The characters are brilliant in the story and has the perfect villain in Percy Wetmore, a man everyone wants to hate.

3. The Departed

One of Leo’s finest and definitely Wahlberg’s finest performance to date, although both are outshone by Jack Nicholson. The story keeps you gripped all the way through it. One of Scorsese’s best films and fully deserved the oscar for best picture.

2. The Shawshank Redmption

There are not enough words to describe how good this film is. You cannot help but feel a swell of joy at the ending (I haven’t stated it as I don’t like spoilers, however there can’t be many people who haven’t seen the film or a spoiler for it) It’s an obvious choice and is on many peoples list but dammit I love this film.

1. Stand By Me

One of the most touching coming of age stories ever filmed. I know there are a couple of other Stephen King adaptions in here, but this version of The Body as the short story is called actually surpasses the written version. Look out for a young John Cusack in here. In a weird case of life imitating art kind of way the ending of River Phoenix’s character closely resembles his own premature ending.

Well there it is for the time being at least, honourable mentions go to The Goonies, Gone Baby Gone, Clerks, Avengers Assemble, Inglourious Basterds, Reservoir Dogs, The Hangover and probably a few more I’ve missed. Maybe my next post will be my top 10 TV shows.

Best British Film For a Long Time…….

……. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

I must admit, as a massive Gary Oldman fan, when I first saw the trailer for Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy I was extremely excited about watching it. Then came all the talk of potential nominations for Best Actor for him I just couldn’t wait.

Circumstances beyond my control meant that I was unable to see the film at the cinema so I had to wait. Whilst I was offered the odd bootleg copy I decided to wait a little while until I could purchase the blu ray of it.

In the midst of waiting to see the film I decided that I would read the novel, and much like most John LeCarre books, it is a difficult book to read, so much so that I gave up approximately 100 pages in deciding that the film was what I wanted.

Finally the day came when I purchased the blu ray and got home to watch the film. Unfortunately I have an extremely bad habit at home whilst watching films, I tend to multitask by having my laptop on at the same time, either looking up random items on the net, playing football manager, or playing online poker (at this current moment in time I have Inception on in the background, although I have seen this film about 20 times) and I am ashamed to say that I didn’t give the film the full attention it deserves and when I finished I was mainly thinking….. meh!

I still maintained, possibly through bias, that Oldman’s performance was stellar, but then again it always is and it is a crime he has never been nominated for an Academy Award before now, his portrayal as Sid Vicious in Sid and Nancy was immaculate not forgetting his movie stealing roles in True Romance, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and he was the only good thing about Hannibal.

It wasn’t until a week ago I decided I needed to give the film another chance, the thing that tipped it for me was the argument it has such an amazing cast that it can’t be a bad film (Ocean’s Twelve proves that theory wrong) but I finally popped it back in the player and simply sat and watched the film and gave it the full attention required to watch the film, and I am so glad I did.

Once you get into the film you cannot help but be taken in by it all. The plot is simple enough, searching for a mole in the british government, but the direction of the film means you are never really ahead of the story, most of the time in these types of films it is very easy to figure out who is the bad guy, but this one leaves you guessing until the reveal.

As I stated the cast is phenomenal. Sherlock’s Benedict Cumberbatch is exceptional as Peter Guillam and plays him with an air of vulnerability that other actors may not be able to capture. Actor of the moment Tom Hardy plays the role of Ricki Tarr well, and of course there is Colin Firth, Stephen Graham, Toby Jones, Mark Strong and a great turn by John Hurt.

But the real star is Gary Oldman. He outshines the rest of the cast, which is not an easy thing to do in this film, and fully deserved his Oscar nod, if not the statue itself. It is not until his 4th scene he actually speaks which is rare for him. Oldman brings a calmness to the role and shows that George Smile is a thinker who never loses control of a situation. This can be shown by his ‘actions’ in 2 small scenes. One is where Benedict Cumberbatch’s character attacks Tom Hardy’s and Oldman in the scene simply sit’s and lets the pair blow off steam until he saunters over and breaks them up. How many times in films have we seen a character get inbetween 2 people fighting, shove them apart and shout at the top of their voice. Smiley simply doesn’t need to do this. The other scene is just after Smiley and Guillam pick up an old colleague of Smiley’s who is a beekeeper now, the three of them are in a car with a rogue bee. Whilst the other 2 characters are frantically flapping at the bee, Smiley simply awaits his moment, opens the car window to let the bee out. I’m totally not doing the scenes justice. Oldman’s performance from the beginning, through to the reveal of the mole showing Smiley nervously sucking on an extra strong mint, to the end is possibly his best yet, I keep using the word understated but it fits the bill, and I can’t help but think that the gimmick that was The Artist robbed him of an oscar.

I’m hoping that a film version of Smiley’s people will be greenlit and Oldman may win the oscar he so rightly deserves.

New to this

I’ve finally succumbed to the world of blogging. I very much doubt that I will have regular readers of this blog, as I rarely have anything interesting to say. It may be that I write mainly about films as that is how I seem to spend a majority of time time.

If you do read this thank you for taking the time out of your lives to read my drivel, I will try to keep you entertained and hopefully can occasionally come up with some kind of witty comment.

I look forward to reading what other people write to and any views people may have on my opinions.

The views and opinions in this blog will be my opinion and not that of an major affiliating company